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Headline: madday.xoxo

Username: littleroyal (MyFreeCams : littleroyal MFC)

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Facial Features: Red Hair, Hazel Eyes

Age: 25 Years Old

Occupation: Cam Princess

Habits: Herb Smoker, Occasional Drinker, Experimented Drug Use

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Status: Single

Weight/Height: 160 pounds, 69 inches

Body Type: Average

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Alternate Names: littleroyal Webcams, littleroyal Camgirls, littleroyal Cams, littleroyal MFC, littleroyal Video, littleroyal Cam, littleroyal My Free Cam, littleroyal MyFreeCam

littleroyal: Caucasian Female, 25 y/o, Straight, Red Hair, Hazel Eyes, Herb Smoker, Occasional Drinker, Experimented Drug Use, Single.







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